I am sure that you were horrified to learn about the terrorist attacks against innocent civilians in Israel by Hamas militants on October 7.  As of the writing of this article it was reported that there were at least 1,300 murdered.  Hamas was founded in 1987 during an antifada, or “uprising,” against the Israeli settlement of Palestine.  “Hamas” is an acronym for Ḥarakat al-Muqāwamah al-Islāmiyyah” which means “Islamic Resistance Movement.”  Their purpose is to create an Islamic state in place of Israel and remove all Jews from Palestine.  They believe that it is a religious duty of all Muslims to fight Israel.  The means of accomplishing this purpose have included rocket attacks and suicide-bombings against Israeli civilians.  Israel withdrew its troops from Gaza in 2005.  Hamas took control of the administration of Gaza after fighting with the less radical Fatah Party in 2007.  Ever since, Israel has been the target of Hamas’ hatred and violence.   

The surprise attack against Israelis in Southern Israel on the Sabbath, on the joyful Jewish holiday of Sukkot, was the largest massacre of Jews since the end of the Holocaust.  Its evil rivals anything that the Nazis did, including the beheading of babies.  Most of the world was horrified by the attack, but a shocking number of college students in the United States organized protests in support of Hamas.  One grievous example was a letter signed by the leaders of thirty student groups at Harvard University which stated that Israel was “entirely responsible for all unfolding violence” in Palestine.  Apparently, they consider the cause of Hamas so righteous that whatever means are used to achieve its ends are acceptable.   

I think it needs to be said – individuals who support terrorism as a justifiable means to achieve a good end are morally corrupt in their thinking.  It doesn’t matter what cause they support.  An evil act, such as the intentional killing of an innocent human being, is always evil, and the cause for which it is done cannot change its moral value.  Evil may not be done to bring about good.  Unfortunately, in our system of law, this is exactly what is permitted on a regular basis by the abortion of unborn babies.  The very thing which the Hamas terrorists did to Jewish babies is regularly done by abortionists across our nation.  To end the life of a baby in the second trimester of pregnancy an abortionist will usually use a procedure called Dilation and Evacuation.  The head must be separated from the body and crushed before it can be sucked or pulled out of the mother with the other body parts.  All the parts of the baby are then laid out for inspection to confirm that the entire baby had been removed from the womb, so as to avoid infection.  On October 7 in Southern Israel the Hamas terrorists beheaded babies laying in their cribs.  Abortionists in the United States and around the world behead babies while they are still in their mother’s womb.

Should we be shocked that so many educated college students came out in support of Hamas when in our own nation the termination of unborn human life is not only legal but celebrated?  The moral reasoning of a godless society justifies the intentional murder of the innocent.  Science has proven that what is conceived in the womb of the mother is human; the zygote, formed of the union of sperm and egg, has its own DNA, half from the mother and half from the father.  Everything is there for the growth and development of the child.  In modern times science has verified what was already known – that we are the same entity, the same being we were at the moment of our conception.  We grew from a zygote to an embryo to a fetus to an infant to a child to an adolescent to a teenager and finally to an adult without any change in our human nature.  We did not become human; we were always human.  Therefore, from the moment of conception we are bearers of human rights, including the right not to be killed.  The rejection of the right to life of the unborn has distorted the moral conscience of our society and opened the door to other evils; in my opinion, even to the approval of terrorism.      


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