Carved on memorial blocks in the walls of the Washington Monument are some Bible verses, including “Search the Scriptures” (John 5:39), “The memory of the just is blessed” (Proverbs 10:7), and “Holiness to the Lord” (Exodus 28:26).  There is also a prayer: “May heaven to this Union continue its beneficence” and a statement of national faith which is found on many federal and state buildings across the country, including in the chambers of both houses of Congress: “In God We Trust.”  The very capstone of the Washington Monument is inscribed with the Latin inscription Laus Deo, meaning “Praise God.”

It is fitting that religious sentiments are inscribed in the structure that honors George Washington since he, along with the other Founding Fathers of the United States, believed that a vibrant belief in God was essential to the well-being of the nation.  This was one of the points he made in his 1796 letter to the people of the United States on the occasion of his decision not to run for a third term as President.  It is known as his Farewell Address.  The text can easily be found on the internet.  The Father of our nation makes four points which are very relevant to the situation in which we Americans find ourselves today.  I suggest that prudence would move us to take Washington’s advice seriously.

1)    Washington warns against divisions in the country based on partisan allegiances.  While he acknowledges that political parties cannot be excluded, he warns against an overattachment to them, with the result that leaders may be tempted to favor their own interests and that of their party over the collective interests of the United States.  Hmm, where have we seen this?  Where haven’t we seen it?

2)    Washington warns against overwrought geographical mentalities and rivalries.  He reminds us that our liberty and prosperity can only be preserved by a commitment to unity.  The prosperity of one region of the country contributes to the prosperity of all.  Sectarianism is a danger to the country, as we sadly discovered in the Civil War.  Today we hear talk about the liberal blue states on the nation’s coasts and the so-called red states of the “flyover” country as if they were two different countries.  Too often pundits want to dismiss a region of the country because they do not like its culture or politics.

3)    The first President advises against involving the country in foreign entanglements.  He also urges us to avoid fostering hatred towards some countries and an excessive favoritism towards others.  He recommends that America remain neutral and strong enough so that other nations would not challenge us.  Unfortunately, our history of wars in Europe, Asia, and the Middle East are evidence that Washington’s advice has gone unheeded, despite the fact that his Farewell Address is read aloud in the Senate every year on his birthday.

4)    Finally, Washington reminds the population that only religion will sustain morality and respect for oaths and law.  He writes, Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, Religion and morality are indispensable supports. In vain would that man claim the tribute of Patriotism, who should labour to subvert these great Pillars of human happiness, these firmest props of the duties of Men & citizens. The mere Politician, equally with the pious man ought to respect & to cherish them.”  He also wrote, “And let us with caution indulge the supposition, that morality can be maintained without religion…reason & experience both forbid us to expect that National morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle.”

The Founding Fathers did not want to create a theocracy, but they shared a conviction that common belief in God and his judgment need to provide the foundation of morality.  I believe that they would tell us today that our nation, if it is to prosper and regain a common sense of decency and respect for law, needs to recapture respect for God.  If there is no God, there is no basis for a common morality.  Moral beliefs will simply shift to conform to personal interests.  As patriots and believers in God, we should not be reticent about reminding our fellow citizens and our leaders of this truth.





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