THE LITURGICAL USE OF PALMS We know that in the beginning of the 5 th century Christians in Jerusalem would gather on the Mount of Olives early in the afternoon of the Sunday before Easter. It is from this mount that Jesus had processed into Jerusalem on what we call Palm Sunday. At the top of the mount the Christians would celebrate a lengthy liturgy of the word and, as evening approached, they went in procession towards Jerusalem carrying palm or olive branches. As far as we know, this is the origin of our Palm Sunday celebration, which is properly called in the Roman Missal today as “Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord.” Christians in other parts of the world were inspired by the Christians in Jerusalem to make the same observance on Palm Sunday, with a procession through the streets to the cathedral or their church. Today we gather here in West Grove at the main doors of our church, read the Gospel of the procession, bless the palms, and ...