BLESSED ARE THE PURE IN HEART Pope Saint Leo the Great (d. 461) gave a sermon on the Beatitudes. Here is something of what he had to say about the sixth Beatitude: “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.” The blessedness of seeing God is justly promised to the pure of heart. For the eye that is unclean would not be able to see the brightness of the true light, and what would be happiness to clear minds would be a torment to those that are defiled. Therefore, let the mists of worldly vanities be dispelled, and the inner eye be cleansed of all the filth of wickedness, so that the soul’s gaze may feast serenely upon the great vision of God. Beatitudes can be found in the Old Testament, with God promising to bless those who obey him, avoid idolatry, and treat their neighbors justly. Another word for beatitude is “blessing,” which is found often in the Psalms. They declare that a person is blessed by observing the conditions of the promises which...