THE GOSPEL OF CHARITY I am grateful to Father David Noone for visiting us this weekend to celebrate confessions and Mass. Father Noone is representing Unbound, an international nonprofit which is located in Kansas City and was founded by lay Catholics to provide practical help to the needy in poor countries around the world. You are probably aware that it is a custom in parishes of the Archdiocese to regularly welcome missionaries and representatives from Catholic aid organizations to bring their message to us and make us aware of the important work they do in the name of Christ, who said “Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me” (Matthew 26:40). The appeals made to us by the workers in the field open us to a more universal perspective on the charity works of the Church, and they give us an opportunity to contribute to this work. Jesus said, “You will always have the poor with you, but you will not alwa...