THOUGHTS ON IMMIGRATION In Matthew 20 Jesus gives the parable of the owner of a vineyard who went into the marketplace and hired workers at different hours of the day; at daybreak, at 9 a.m., at noon, at 3 p.m. and at 5 p.m. At the end of the work day he had his foreman pay each worker, beginning with those who were hired last. The last ones were paid the same amount as those who worked longer in the vineyard. As you might imagine, there was some grumbling: “These last ones worked only one hour, and you have made them equal to us, who bore the day’s burden and the heat.” We feel sympathy for those who worked longer. Nevertheless, the landowner was not unjust. He responded, “My friend, I am not cheating you. Did you not agree with me for the usual daily wage? Take what is yours and go. What if I wish to give this last one the same as you? Or am I not free to do as I wish with my own money? Are you en...